Category Archives: in2aqua

Volker tantzt:  Trinkwasserleitungen und Toiletten für fast 1000 Schülerinnen

In2aqua Designer Volker Schumann von Werksdesign in Momella, Tansania. An der Tuvaila Primary School hilft er mit, die Schüler mit Büchern und vor allem Wassser zu versorgen. In diesem Zuge werden mit Spendengeldern aus Deutschland neue Trinkwasserleitungen und Toiletten für fast 1000 Schülerinnen und Schüler gebaut.


ISH-Erfolgreiches Debut der In2aqua GmbH auf internationaler Bühne




ISH2015198.000 Besucher, 2.465 Hersteller – auf rund 260.000 Quadratmetern zeigten die Aussteller der diesjährigen ISH in Frankfurt neue Technologien, Innovationen und außergewöhnliche Designs: Für die in2aqua GmbH die ideale Plattform um sich als Newcomer der internationalen Sanitärbranche vorzustellen. Als erster Armaturenhersteller vertreibt in2aqua seine Produkte direkt online an Installateure und Endkunden. Dieser direkte Vertriebsweg ermöglicht es dem Hersteller, höhere Qualität zu einem günstigeren Preis anzubieten – ein Modell, das ankommt.

in2aqua baby!

At in2aqua we believe you never have to outgrow imagination.  For some, the bad Dragon is merely a floppy doll in a losing battle vs an incredible kid. To others, it can represent fear vs the ability to overcome. To us, the bad Dragon represents an outdated business model, high prices and low quality.


As a special thanks to you and your inner child, in2aqua is creating a free in2aqua App where you can battle the Dragon first hand! The in2aqua baby App will be unveiled March 10th during the ISH in Frankfurt.   We have had a lot of fun working with Patrick Boivin and his team during the editing of this clip and learned quickly that the in2aqua baby can mean a lot of different things to a lot of people. Please tell us what in2aqua baby means to you.  All blog posts will be entered into a drawing to win an in2aqua baby T-Shirt!  Haven’t seen it yet?  Please check it out!





Season’s Greetings from in2aqua

Christmas in StuttgartAs we are working very hard towards the end of the year, we have almost missed how close Christmas is already. This is a pity because the in2aqua office is located in the heart of the city of Stuttgart, where we are surrounded by the most stunning decorations and one of the most beautiful Christmas markets in the country. The impressive historical building in home to our office is located in – the King’s Palace – is also illuminated by night. To share this breathtaking view with you, we have uploaded this snapshot.

Inspired by this festive atmosphere we want to Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2015!



A bath of a different kind


Southeast of Stuttgart and not too far from in2aqua’s headquarters, this “Roman bath” is the most important known architectural monument from the Roman past of Rottweil. When the municipal cemetary was being extended in 1967, this Roman bathing complex measuring 45×42 meters was discovered, and it was opened to the public in 1971.

The Roman bath is one of the most important complexes of its kind in Baden-Württemberg and was probably built circa 110/120 AD under Emperor Trajan who is remembered as a successful soldier-emperor and led the greatest military expansion in Roman history. He is also known for his philanthropic rule, overseeing extensive public building programs and implementing social welfare policies, which earned him his enduring reputation as the second of the Five Good Emperors who presided over an era of peace and prosperity in the Mediterranean world.

Digging deeper


Here’s a photo that was taken in the Apac district when the well building team leader was there during his last visit.  As you can see, it’s a truck-mounted drill rig that is made by a company called Atlas Corp.

It is capable of drilling wells anywhere from 30m to 150m in depth. In the case of in2aqua’s first well in Uganda, the project used a hand-pump and dug 51m deep.  It was one of the deepest digs of this sort yet.

Most hand-pump wells are between 40-50m deep.  Fortunately, the water table in the Apac district is such that there seems to be plenty of water around at this depth.  The big challenge in Apac is the clay-rich nature of the soil; this results in mud-pumps having to be used more often than not to ensure the optimum drilling depth is reached.

Splashing news for the village of the Odyek Pe

Ugandain2aqua is happy to report it has completed its second Well in Africa and its first in Uganda.  Previous to installation, the Odyek Pe villagers had to walk approximately 1 km to an unprotected water source.  On average, most families spent about sixty minutes per day collecting water.  With this nearly 51 meters deep well, the 312 Abongomola sub county inhabitants now have access to fresh water within their own village.

in2aqua is proud to have been part of this wonderful project and our thanks go out to entire team that helped design and install this Well.  It goes without saying, in2aqua wishes the Odyek Pe village much health and happiness.  To learn more about our Well building endeavors, please visit in2aqua Build a Well

Build a Well – Update from Tanzania

Greetings from  Namnyaki Maasai school, first let me thank in2aqua for all the wonderful, tremendous and sacrificial work you are doing, your willingness to work with the Naserian Project and the financial help you have extended to the community is so appreciated.


This project is really a life changing venture and it is going to cause a considerable developmental impact as far as health and sanitation of our pupils and school community is concerned.


-Alais Esoto (Naserian Project Coordinator)


Help where help is needed

IMG_1848-2IMG_1899-2IMG_4096-2IMG_4556-2Zoe Marshall, a 16 year old International School of Stuttgart student recently went to South Africa on a one month trip to help young children by volunteering at the Philippe Children’s Centre in Cape Town.  During her stay she had the opportunity to visit many notable areas around Cape town and even was lucky enough to go on a safari as well.  By far, Zoe reported her greatest satisfaction was spending time with the children doing arts and crafts as well as just playing with them throughout the day.  Zoe received multiple appreciation certificates from the Philippe Centre for her efforts as well as many hugs from the children she cared for.  in2aqua is extremely proud of Zoe Marshall and the fine example she sets.