Digging deeper


Here’s a photo that was taken in the Apac district when the well building team leader was there during his last visit.  As you can see, it’s a truck-mounted drill rig that is made by a company called Atlas Corp.

It is capable of drilling wells anywhere from 30m to 150m in depth. In the case of in2aqua’s first well in Uganda, the project used a hand-pump and dug 51m deep.  It was one of the deepest digs of this sort yet.

Most hand-pump wells are between 40-50m deep.  Fortunately, the water table in the Apac district is such that there seems to be plenty of water around at this depth.  The big challenge in Apac is the clay-rich nature of the soil; this results in mud-pumps having to be used more often than not to ensure the optimum drilling depth is reached.

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